ECU Online šahovski kamp sa Judit Polgar
U organizaciji ECU i ChessPlus organizuje se trening kamp za juniore.

ECU Online Chess Camps with JuditPolgár 30/31 May 2020
This is the last week to register for the early summer chess camp which is taking place at the end of the month. Responding to demand during this quarantine period, the European Chess Union is pleased to present two online chess camps for children age 9-16.
The Chess Challenge – for children who are promising at chess and want to develop rapidly.
Challenge for Talents – for children rated 1600+ who want to take their chess up to the next level.
These camps, which are organised in conjunction with ChessPlus, bring together the top trainers in Europe. The camps have been
- GM Judit Polgár is recognised as the strongest woman player of all time
- IM Jesper Hall is chairman of the ECU Education Commission
- IM Jop Delemarre is a professional online trainer